Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway (also known simply as Peter Rabbit 2) is a 2021 3D live-action/computer-animated adventure comedy film directed and produced by Will Gluck, who co-wrote the screenplay with Patrick Burleigh. The film is a sequel to 2018 s Peter Rabbit produced by Sony Pictures Animation, and is based on the stories of Peter Rabbit created by Beatrix Potter. The film stars the voice of James Corden as the title character, alongside Rose Byrne, Domhnall Gleeson, and David Oyelowo in live-action roles, and the voices of Elizabeth Debicki, Lennie James, and Margot Robbie.

After facing numerous delays from its original February 2020 release date due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the film was released theatrically by Sony Pictures Releasing under its Columbia Pictures label, first in Australia on March 25, 2021, then in the United Kingdom on May 17 and in the United States on June 11. The film has grossed over $153 million worldwide and received mixed reviews from critics.



The wedding of Thomas McGregor and Bea McGregor takes place with all their friends, human and animal, in attendance. Peter Rabbit accepts this new part of his life. After the honeymoon, Thomas helps Bea on her children s storybooks based on Peter and his friends. Peter is a bit dismayed to know that the books have portrayed him as naughty. Bea then gets a letter in the mail from a publisher who wants to distribute her books.

Thomas and Bea take Peter, Benjamin, Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail to meet the publisher, Nigel Basil-Jones. Nigel presents his marketing plan toward the rabbits, which paints Peter as a bad seed. They even see a billboard for a potential Peter Rabbit movie, which makes him look outright villainous. A dismayed Peter walks away from the group and goes into town where he meets an older rabbit named Barnabas. Barnabas recognizes Peter as the son of his old friend, but they are unfortunately caught by animal catchers and taken to a pet pound. Bea starts to sign over the rights to her books to Nigel, in agreement that the books would not be turned into some cash grab property. But it becomes apparent that this is Nigel s plan anyway as he is known for turning simple concepts into something for a more commercial and contemporary audience.

Peter and Barnabas are taken in by a little girl named Amelia and kept in a cage. Barnabas manages to free himself and Peter with the help of his crew: mouse Samuel Whiskers, creepy cat Tom Kitten, and his sister Mittens. They all get away to town with the food after raiding the refrigerator. Thomas and Bea then find Peter and bring him home while Barnabas returns to his hideout.

The next day, Peter takes Benjamin and his sisters to join him in meeting Barnabas’ crew. Barnabas recognizes Peter s family and divulges to all of them his big plan. He and his crew want to rob from the farmers market with their big score being packs of dried fruit. Meanwhile, Thomas and Bea meet with Nigel again to go over designs for the rabbits. Thomas starts to realize that Nigel s ideas are not in the best interests of Bea s work. The rabbits gather help from their animal friends Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle, Jemima Puddle-Duck, Jeremy Fisher, Pigling Bland, Felix D eer, and Tommy Brock to pull off their heist. After getting the dried fruits into their getaway truck, all of the animals including Benjamin and the sisters are captured by the pet pound people. To Peter s dismay, it turns out Barnabas was only using him and his friends to keep the dried fruit for themselves. He even intentionally met Peter in town after reading about him in his book, never even knowing Peter s father. Everyone is left to blame Peter for getting them into this mess while he himself feels utterly terrible.

Peter enlists Thomas for his help in recovering his friends. After hitting a snag with their truck, they go to Bea for help while she is in a meeting with Nigel and others from the publishing company. Bea realizes Nigel s intentions and pulls her stories from his company. After talking it out with Thomas, she agrees to help him and Peter recover all of their friends.

Peter, Benjamin, and the sisters then go to Barnabas s hideout where they turn the tables by tying Barnabas and his crew to ropes so that they all get pulled away when the nearby tailor shop owner leaves in his truck. They are all then captured by the pet pound people, putting Barnabas back where he once got away from. The rabbits then return all the dried fruit to their owners. The rabbits rejoin Thomas and Bea as they drive home with Peter deciding to be more willing to listen to the ones that love him.

In the first mid-credits scene, Bea and Thomas have a baby girl while it is revealed that a second book was published, titled Peter Rabbit 2. In the second mid-credits scene, the rooster and his children believe that they are crowing in the morning (just as the sprinklers turn on) to save the farm from the "ball of fire" (the sun).