Loki is an American television series created by Michael Waldron for the streaming service Disney+, based on Marvel Comics featuring the character of the same name. Set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), it shares continuity with the films of the franchise and takes place after the events of the film Avengers: Endgame (2019), in which an alternate version of Loki created a new timeline. Loki is produced by Marvel Studios, with Waldron serving as head writer and Kate Herron directing for the first season.



Loki follows the Variant, who goes by Sylvie, to the TVA, where she attempts to visit the Time-Keepers. Renslayer attacks them, so Loki uses a TemPad to teleport himself and Sylvie away. They arrive at 2077 Lamentis-1, a moon that is soon to be crushed by a planet. However, both cannot escape due to the TemPad having run out of power. They agree to work together because Loki has magically hidden the TemPad while only Sylvie knows how to recharge it. They sneak aboard a train bound for the Ark, an evacuation spaceship, intending to use it to recharge the TemPad. However, Loki gets drunk and starts a ruckus, causing the guards to discover them. During the fight, Loki is thrown off the train, and Sylvie follows him. Due to the TemPad being broken, the duo journey on foot and intend to commandeer the Ark. Along the way, Sylvie says that the TVA s workers are all variants, rather than creations of the Time-Keepers as Mobius claimed. Loki and Sylvie fight their way through guards and around a meteor shower while trying to board the Ark, but it is destroyed by a meteor just as they reach it, leaving them stranded.